For some years now, the team behind The Tor Project initiative offered Android users the possibility to enter and navigate the Deep and Dark Web from their Android phones in a simple way, through the Orbot application that acts as a proxy with which to encrypt the network traffic of the device, thus enabling access to this vast and unknown corner of the Internet. Now, to make things even easier, The Tor Project has launched its own Android mobile browser, Tor Browser, so that any user can navigate in the most secure way possible through their devices, even on those web pages inaccessible through other web browsers. And to see for ourselves, we have decided to thoroughly test this new ultra-secure browser for mobile phones, in order to examine all the functions it offers.
Tor Browser for Android: this is all it offers
As I said at the beginning until now it was possible – and still is – to access the deep Internet on Android using Orbot Proxy and a browser like Orfox. The main difference between this method and using Tor Browser is that this new application includes the necessary pre-established settings so that as soon as it is started we will be connected to an anonymous network, and all network traffic will be encrypted. On the other hand, it is not superfluous to comment that, although the launch of Tor Browser in its stable version did not take place until a few days ago, there was already a test version of the application on Google Play, which will continue to be available to all those who they want to try the latest news before their arrival in the definitive edition of the browser, which can now be downloaded for free through the store. That said, the first thing we will see as soon as we install the browser is a welcome window, with the Tor Project icon on a purple background, and the “Connect” button. By clicking on this button, the browser will automatically connect us to the Tor network, and it will even be possible to see the operations that the application performs “in the background” if we slide to the left. Once this process is finished, the application takes us to the main browser tab, where it will be possible to see the open tabs, enter addresses to web pages or access the browser settings. Since Tor Browser is based on Firefox technology, the operation of the browser is similar to that of Mozilla. However, in the settings, we will see some of our own options such as the HTTPS Everywhere or NoScript extension already integrated. Since web traffic needs to go through several addresses in order to be encrypted, browsing with Tor Browser for Android is somewhat slower than with other browsers. But if it is just to surf the Internet, there are already dozens of “safe” browsers. An essential feature as soon as you open Tor Browser is “The Hidden Wiki”. This portal contains the .onion links to the most interesting web pages that we can find on the Deep Internet, ordered by category and with a description of each of the websites. Although there are many myths about the Deep and Dark Web, keep in mind that browsing through an app like Tor Browser and visiting web pages listed as reliable in sources like Hidden Wiki should not pose any danger. However, it is very important to avoid taking unnecessary risks, such as entering personal data, downloading files, or registering on web pages that request it. SEE ALSO: Other Top Web Browsers for Android Beyond all that, since Tor Browser allows you to bypass the limitations imposed by governments or Internet service companies, it is also possible to use this browser to access geographically restricted web pages. The browser, in addition, ensures to block all types of trackers and defend ourselves at all times in the face of espionage. Other interesting features are also included, such as the ability to adjust protection levels when browsing. In the most restrictive mode, automatic playback of multimedia content, Javascript modules, and even images on some web pages will be blocked. In addition, since it uses Firefox technology, it incorporates a powerful file download manager –although you must be careful when downloading content according to which web pages.
Can Tor Browser be a Substitute for Google Chrome?
More than an alternative application to Google Chrome, where the potential of Tor Browser really lies is in its capacity as a complementary tool to other browsers. Probably, none of you need to navigate the Dark or Deep Web often, and therefore it does not make much sense to only use this browser, which will offer us a somewhat slower speed, in addition to blocking access to some pages due to its strict measures of security. However, the flexibility and freedom that Tor Browser for Android offers when it comes to browsing any web page is incomparable – and for that reason alone it well deserves a place in the internal storage of our devices. Watch this video of how the Tor Browser protects your privacy and identity online.
How Can I Download Tor Browser for Android?
Download Tor Browser
Installation is simple just as you install other apps from Google Play Store. Let us know what you think about this web browser.