AT&T blocks robocall fraud automatically, but blocking spam costs a surcharge. This week, AT&T reported that it will “no charge” for customers by default robocal block fraud and alerts to suspected “spam calling” However, to automatically block all spam calls, customers still have $4 a month to pay. AT&T said that the change was to expand its existing AT&T Call Protect service that features a free version and more blocking features with a paid-for version. AT & T Call Protect was attributed by the carrier to the June FCC decision, which authorizes carriers to block robocals of annoyance by defaults, so customers have to opt-out of blocking services rather than opt-in. The President of the FCC Ajit Pai, who defended the robocalls war, has placed it as a major consumer win. The new rules were criticized by FCC commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel, who did not stop carriers from charging for services blocking. I do not think this agency should go back to its efforts to cut robocalls and then tell consumers to pay up, “said Rosenworcel.’ Robocall solutions are supposed to be free for consumers.” Full stop. As Ars Technica has observed the new, standard, “automatic fraud blocking,” but will not block automatic spam calls, includes AT&T’s new, free robocall blocking service. AT&T told the publication, but that that definition is subjective, that Spam calls can be considered as a “nuisance” for clients. The free version for millions of users can block spam calls, but users must add the unwanted numbers themselves. In the AT&T Call Protect payment version, which would automatically address a spam call, the feature is referred to as the “Custom Call Controls” which AT&T says is “to enable you to allow, transmit to voice mail or block calls from whole categories.” Joan Marsh, executive vice president and regulator of State External affairs for AT&T, said: “The FCC was an enormous partner in the war on rubocal phones. AT&T remains committed to working alongside our government and the industry partners on the ongoing fight against illegal robocalls. “The Commission has taken a number of years to further develop call blocking tools and to enable providers to better protect customers.